The Best Ways to Train the Younger Generation in Safety

They represent more than half the workforce population… and will reach 73 million in the U.S. this year. They’re the Millennial generation, and they bring with them an entirely different way of life than those before them – yup, even in safety.

We’ve done the research – today’s modern workforce no longer wants training and would rather learn through experience. So what does that mean for you as a safety professional? Changing up your training. To create the learning atmosphere that resonates most with this upcoming generation is to harness the power of today’s technology. They were raised with it, and therefore, high-tech should be at the forefront of the way they learn, but don’t just blame the Millennials – along with needing to appeal to incoming workers comes the need for keeping your training current and up-to-date for all of your generations.

Transitioning to the new technology-based way of learning is necessary but can be a time-consuming and cumbersome task, especially when you’re not sure where to begin. Here’s how you can use technology to appeal your safety training to the Millennial mind, ensuring the comprehension and retention of material presented.

  1. Use eLearning When You Can

eLearning allows for training courses to be available on multiple devices so Millennials can learn when and where they want to, and a flexible schedule and on-demand style information is very appealing to young workers. What’s more? eLearning is good for all of your workers – not just Millennials. Though older workers may prefer more traditional forms of training, once they understand how e-Learning works, they’ll also enjoy the ability to be able to learn when and where they want.

  1. Keep Training Short and On-Going

A two or three hour-long meeting won’t cut it – instead of long-winded training sessions or hour-long videos, consider training they can absorb quickly and be able to read in between meetings, on the way to work, or while having lunch via handheld devices or laptops with wifi. Short lessons and modules allow Millenials to reach small goals and checkpoints, helping to encourage their learning and making it more likely they’ll retain the info.

  1. Organization to Prompt a Strong Safety Culture

Organizations with a strong sense of purpose and a values-driven culture will likely attract more Millennials, so consider how this affects your safety program. How are you encouraging a strong safety culture? Are you providing modern, technology-driven training or multiple formats or continuous training? Having a strong LMS system will help organize and administer all of your safety training depending on your needs, regardless of employee size or safety topic. Plus, this is what Millenials are looking for – over a third said they would be more interested in an employer if they offer exceptional training and development opportunities.

  1. Videos are Still In

Outside of safety, videos play a large role in how Millennials take in information – think social media, Youtube, etc. Use this to your advantage. Resonating, custom videos are cost effective and helps to engage viewers in the natural way they tend to learn. A study by Hubspot categorizes when people are most attentive versus only skimming for information – videos take the number one spot with 55% of respondents saying they pay close attention to video content. Further, using graphics, animation, and pictures all constitute successful additions in safety training for millennials.


Update Your Safety Training

What’s great about working with a safety consultant like us here at Evolved Safety is that we are constantly keeping the lookout for new and updated training. Because one size doesn’t fit all, our scope of safety training offerings works to encompass all of our customers’ needs, regardless of need or size.

Start a conversation with us today about your safety training needs for this upcoming generation.


