Resolutions are in the air for 2017, but we’re not looking to reinvent ourselves or find a new version of us… Instead, we want to keep ramping up what we’ve been doing, and that’s working towards being the most effective environmental, safety, and health solution on the market to make life easier for you, our clients. We hope you’re as excited for this year as much as we are, so let’s jump into what’s on the docket for 2017!

Custom content solutions – This year is all about YOU. We want to put even more focus on finding the best and most effective solution for each client, and that includes creating custom content for our clients. Let us know what you need… if we can’t find it, we’ll work to create it.

Products and services – Whether you need online training, on-site consultation, a new training plan, or anything in between, our goal is to continuously review and select only the best content, technology, and delivery systems that will best suit YOUR needs.

Quality vendors – In a world of choice, we strive to make sure you get exactly what you need. Our continued goal is to look for and partner with vendors that not only fill a certification or are compliant with a regulation, but offer quality products and services that will get the job done right the first time.

International content – No matter your company location or language spoken, we want you to have consistent and compliant training materials for all of your employees – which is why this year we’re excited to be launching a large amount of translated online interactive training courses to help break down the language barrier, including translations in:

  • Canadian French
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • German
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese

Help us make 2017 the best year yet! If you have any thoughts, ideas, or comments on how we can improve our Evolved Safety approach for you, please let us know!