Download Our Heat Stress PDF

The danger of working in heat isn’t news to any of us, but it’s always good to have a refresher on the dos and don’ts when heat is a factor at work. The biggest and most important reason why this is true – according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure to heat can cause illness and death – and that should be avoided at all costs.

We’ve found that the best way for all workers – employers and employees alike – to quickly understand the best ways to keep you and your workers safe while on the job is to spend time researching… so that’s what we did. As an employer, here is a checklist from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration just for you on how to mitigate heat illness in your workplace:

  • Establish a complete heat illness prevention program
  • Provide training about the hazards leading to heat stress and how to prevent them
  • Make sure at least one pint of cool water per hour is provided to workers in or close to the work area
  • Modify work schedules and arrange frequent rest periods with water breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas
  • Gradually increase workloads over time and allow more frequent breaks for new workers or for those that have been away to acclimate them working in the heat
  • Routinely check workers who are at risk of heat stress due to protective clothing and high temperature
  • Consider protective clothing that provides cooling

With your employees in mind, we then composed a quick checklist of considerations and must-haves for you to post in your workplace or worksite for reference. Download our Heat Stress PDF here. Read it for awareness.